What is a Cluster Headache and How Can Thryve Head Pain Spray Help Bring Relief

What is a Cluster Headache and How Can Thryve Head Pain Spray Help Bring Relief

Cluster Headaches

A Cluster headache is a very painful type of headache. It usually occurs in periods of frequent attacks known as clusters. Cluster headaches can wake people from sleep. These headaches cause intense pain in or around one eye on one side of the head.

Cluster periods can last from weeks to months. Then usually the headaches stop for a period of time, which may last for months or years. Cluster headache is rare. Treatments can shorten cluster headache attacks and lessen the pain. Also, medicines can reduce the number of cluster headaches.


A cluster headache strikes quickly. There's usually no warning. But some people might first have migraine-like nausea and aura. Common symptoms during a cluster headache include:

  • Extreme sharp or stabbing pain, usually in, behind or around one eye. The pain can spread to other areas of the face, head and neck.
  • Pain on one side of the head in a single cluster. Pain can switch to the other side in another cluster.
  • Restlessness.
  • A lot of tears.
  • Redness of the eye on the side that hurts.
  • Stuffy or runny nose on the side that hurts.
  • Forehead or facial sweating.
  • Skin color changes on the side of the face that hurts.
  • Swelling around the eye on the side that hurts.
  • Drooping eyelid on the side that hurts.

Because the pain of a cluster headache can be so bad, those who have one are likely to pace or sit and rock back and forth.


Experts don't know what causes cluster headache. Cluster headache patterns suggest a link to the area of the brain that helps run the body's biological clock, known as the hypothalamus.

Cluster Headache Triggers

There are several cluster headache triggers. The most common is drinking alcohol. Other triggers might include weather changes and certain medicines. For further information on Cluster headaches, please visit: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544241/


Episodic: 85 to 90% of patients. Patients experience daily attacks for weeks to months and then have a remission lasting months or years. Patients typically have 1 to 2 episodes yearly, most often in spring or autumn.

Chronic: 15 to 20% of patients. Patients experience attacks lasting more than a year without remission or remission that lasts less than one month; 10 to 20% of these patients will develop drug resistance.

Probable: patients whose attacks fulfill all but one criterion.

About Thryve Head Pain Spray

Thryve Head Pain Spray has been specifically formulated to help bring quick relief to and from Tension Headaches. With our proprietary formulation process and constituents Thryve Spray is able to deliver relief directly to your neural cavity to speed relief where pharma protocols and pills that are swallowed and travel and broken down then delivered to your digestive system may take up to 45 minutes to an hour to be effective-if at all. 

Thryve Head Pain Spray was developed using a very proprietary formulation process using only all-natural constituents which have proven to speed relief directly to the bodies neural cavity via a sub-lingual spray and completely by-passing the digestive system which delays relief up to 45 minutes-if at all. Not only does Thryve Head Pain Spray quickly relieve head pain maladies, many of our clients use Thryve on a regular basis to, depending on their bodies own physiology, to lessen the frequency of their head pain episodes. 

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