What are the Best All-Natural, Drug Free Remedies for Headaches

What are the Best All-Natural, Drug Free Remedies for Headaches

What Are a Few All-Natural, Drug Free Headache Remedies 

Over-the-counter painkillers can often relieve a headache, but a wide range of natural methods may also help. Examples include drinking more water, applying compresses, taking nutritional supplements, getting some extra sleep, and many more.

Ample Hydration

Drinking enough water may help prevent headaches or reduce their severity.

Dehydration can be an underlying cause of many simple headaches. It may also alter how a person feels, acts, or thinks. Various studies have shown that even slight dehydration may alter how people think and function, making them feel worse, with or without a headache.

Water may help make someone in this situation feel better, although some studies are more cautious.

A critical reading of one study published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice Trusted Source noted that drinking water did not reduce how long people had their headaches, but it did make them subjectively feel better.

Staying hydrated may be as simple as carrying a water bottle around and sipping on it throughout the day. Eating foods high in liquid, such as fruits, smoothies, or soups, may also improve hydration.

Cold Compress

A cold compress may be a simple headache solution that many people have on hand. Applying an ice pack or another cold item to the head or neck may help constrict the blood vessels and reduce inflammation in the area. Doing so could temporarily relieve headache pain.

A study in Hawai’i Journal of Medicine & Public Health Trusted Source found that applying ice packs to the neck for 30 minutes significantly reduced pain in people with migraines. Review Here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3727573/

Warm Compress

In other cases, such as with a tension headache where the muscles are too tight, a warm compress may help relax these muscles and bring relief.

A warm compress could be as simple as a heated towel. People may be able to get the same effect from a tepid shower or bath.

Try Herbal Tea

Herbal tea may be a useful way to add water to the diet while also enjoying the benefits of other natural compounds.

For instance, ginger tea may help with a migraine. One 2013 study found that ginger powder had similar effects to a common medication for reducing migraines. A simple tea of warm water and ginger powder may help with symptoms.
Other potentially calming teas include herbs such as peppermint, chamomile, and lavender.


Exercise may help keep the body healthy and promote better circulation, which might reduce the chances of a headache showing up.

One 2018 review of research Trusted Source published in the journal Children noted that too little exercise may actually influence headaches among adolescents. Regular, moderate exercise may help, such as briskly walking or riding a bike for 30 minutes a day.


Different issues may lead to headaches, and sleep problems are among the more common ones.

Getting too much or too little sleep or not sleeping soundly may influence a headache in some people, as they have not fully rested their body. As one paper in the journal Sleep Trusted Source notes, adults should try to get between  7 and 9 of sleep each night.

Thryve Head Pain Spray is an All-Natural, Drug Free Product for Expedient Headache Relief

We have spent years testing and studying how best to deliver to the neural cavity all natural constituents that for many, greatly expedite headache, hangover and also for many, reduce and minimize migraine episodes and frequencies. With an over 90% success rate, we are confident that Thryve Spray may be a great All-Natural, Drug Free option. 

Thryve Head Pain Spray has been specifically formulated to help bring quick relief to and from Tension Headaches. With our proprietary formulation process and constituents Thryve Spray is able to deliver relief directly to your neural cavity to speed relief where pharma protocols and pills that are swallowed and travel and broken down then delivered to your digestive system may take up to 45 minutes to an hour to be effective-if at all. 

Thryve Head Pain Spray was developed using a very proprietary formulation process using only all-natural constituents which have proven to speed relief directly to the bodies neural cavity via a sub-lingual spray and completely by-passing the digestive system which delays relief up to 45 minutes-if at all. Not only does Thryve Head Pain Spray quickly relieve head pain maladies, many of our clients use Thryve on a regular basis to, depending on their bodies own physiology, to lessen the frequency of their head pain episodes. 




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